RapidAI Research: An In-Depth Look
RapidAI Research, an affiliate of the RapidAI open-source organization, is a significant academic institution. It offers a range of services and opportunities for researchers and students. The institute provides a permanent email service for level 7 associate researchers and above, facilitating long-term academic communication. The research papers published by the institute's researchers have the RapidAI Research as the second author's institution, with an email suffix of @rapidai.tech.
The institute's infrastructure is impressive, with a 1000M internet connection, dual GPUs (4090 & 6000 ADA), and 50T of storage space in the initial IDC center. The management team is yet to be finalized and will be announced after the official establishment of the institute. The honorary dean is a prestigious professor from Peking University and a Changjiang Scholar, while the executive dean is Ma Yong (znsoft), and the chief scientist and engineering director are yet to be determined.
The academic committee has specific membership rules. Students from the Dannybo academic institution automatically become trainee researchers at the institute. Similarly, outstanding master's and doctoral students from the China Excellent Engineers Program, as well as graduate students from Beijing Institute of Technology and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications under the guidance of the institute's mentors, automatically become trainee researchers. After publishing a paper in a top-tier journal or conference, one is promoted to level 7 associate researcher. Master's graduates with two papers are promoted to level 6 associate researcher, and doctoral graduates are promoted to level 5 associate researcher.