h2: Introduction to Responsible AI Licenses (RAIL)
Responsible AI Licenses (RAIL) are an important aspect of the AI landscape. These licenses are designed to provide a framework for the ethical and responsible use of AI technologies.
The RAIL licenses come in several forms. For example, there are licenses for models (AIPubs OpenRAIL-M) and source code (AIPubs OpenRAIL-S). These licenses are built on a model for behavioral-use that aims to reduce the risk of negative outcomes and misuse of AI. Researchers can use multiple licenses if they are distributing both models and source code.
It's important to note that modifying the usage restrictions of these licenses without consulting a legal expert is not recommended, as this could potentially invalidate the legal clauses. RAIL is not a law firm and does not provide legal services or advice. The licenses and related information are provided on an “as-is” basis, and RAIL does not offer warranties regarding them.
In addition to the model and source code licenses, there are also end-user licenses. It is recommended to include the Responsible AI End-User License in addition to any existing end-user license agreements. This license can also be used even if there are no existing end-user license agreements.
Another license is the Responsible AI Source Code License. It is suggested to include a reference to this license at each modular block of the source code, in each file, and preferably at each code function/method, class, data structure definition, and especially in methods that involve any algorithmic processing.
Community feedback is crucial for the improvement and development of these licenses. Users are encouraged to provide feedback through a designated form.
Overall, the Responsible AI Licenses (RAIL) play a significant role in promoting the responsible development and use of AI technologies.